Help Alberta Wildies Society


Help Alberta Wildies Society was a non-profit organization that preserved wild horses in Alberta. Its website had been around for more than five years and needed an update. As a result, we proposed to the founder of designing and developing a new website for him using WordPress.

Problems with the original website

The style was out-of-date. And, the layout of these web pages was messy. Also, the links in the navigation bar were crammed together.

User interview

Here are the requirements for the new website from Darrell Glover: 

A new and refreshing look for the website 

A lot of the viewers were above 60, so make the website easier for them to use 

A gallery to showcase the photos of the horses 

A page to showcase the achievements of horse preservation (horse count every year from 2013 to 2022). 

Humanize the horses so that HAWS could build stronger relationships between horses and their followers

User stories


Pros and cons of other websites

Homepage design rationale

Hero image that takes up the entire viewport is always more impactful than…

The one that takes up half or one-quarter of the viewport.

Shop page design rationale

Adding a banner image will help highlight the theme of the shop page.

Product detail page design rationale

People don’t like reading too much text. So, keep the information short.

Shopping cart page design rationale

Do not let the viewer scroll the page too much to see the purchase information.

Lay out the information side-by-side. It is easy to read.

Style guide

Style guide produced by Katie Struck


high-fidelity mock-ups

Homepage and shop page by Katie struck

product detail page

shopping cart page

animal profile page

mock-ups created by muke li


shop page

product detail page

animal profile page

Website Development